Early Covid-19 disease is driven by replication of virus and Late disease is driven by a dysregulated immune/inflammatory response
Evaluation of the adverse drug reaction information for the multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) patients in a TB hospital
Impact of intervention on incidence of tuberculosis among health care workers (HCWs) from tuberculosis speciality hospital, Mumbai, India
Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) and preventability, in elderly DR TB patients admitted at Tuberculosis Hospital in Mumbai, India
A Case Study of Drug Resistance Extra Pulmonary TB and HIV: A Deadly Syndemic with Co morbidity of Diabetes and COVID-19
Tuberculosis (TB) world’s biggest killer among infectious diseases.
Recurrence of Tuberculosis can be hurdle for TB Control.
Unraveling the burden of tuberculosis in hospitalized patients with alcoholism and hepatic comorbidities: A comprehensive case study
Alcohol and Tuberculosis: A Comprehensive Public Health Perspective and Case Series Study at a Tertiary Care Hospital
A case of chronic smoking associated with Acute Bronchitis Complicated by Pneumonia
Urban realities unveiled: A tale of tuberculosis, lifestyle, and recovery in a young metro dweller
Piloting the Complex Ground of Drug- Resistant Extrapulmonary TB in Adolescent Females
Clearing the smoke: Confronting COPD in the face of chronic smoking and occupational exposure
Impact of air pollution on respiratory health: A case study in Mumbai, India
Challenges in Diagnosing and Managing Pulmonary Conditions …
Combating drug-resistant tuberculosis: A case study of successful treatment and …
Navigating spinal tuberculosis: Clinical insights, social considerations, and future perspectives…
Intersecting challenges: tuberculosis, substance abuse, and mental health comorbidities…
Chronic Bronchial Asthma: A Case Study of Recurrent Symptoms, Pulmonary Function…
Navigating complexity: Disseminated tuberculosis in an immunocompromised female patient.
Complex challenges in pleural effusion due to tuberculosis: Recurrence and drug resistance…
Comprehensive management and prevention of tuberculosis-associated pneumothorax: A case series analysis
“Diverse Clinical Manifestations and Management Approaches in Abdominal Tuberculosis: A Case Series”
Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis in 65yrs old COPD patient successfully managed with a fixed dose combination therapy
“Hemoptysis with Varied Etiologies and Management Approaches”
The twin epidemics of tuberculosis and diabetes: A case series perspective on co-morbidity and care